Health Check
Owner's Corporation Health Check
To help with clarity and direction, Horizon has designed an industry first 7 Point Health Check that looks at the overall health of your Owners Corporation.
This allows owners and committees to assess and reset critical parts of their Owners Corporation.

We review the following key areas:
Current Issues
We discuss your current areas of concern, outstanding issues, and work through those with you in order of priority.
We check that the contractors you have engaged and their service contracts are competitive in the current market.
Compliance & Rules
Horizon will review your compliance with legislation and ensure the Owners Corporation is meeting its obligations. We also take time to provide advice on your current rules.
Financial Health
Analyses your recent financial statements and expenses to provide a comprehensive assessment of your Owners Corporation.
Levies & Arrears
We review your levies and their relevance to the budget as well as provide forecasting to meet projected expenses in the future. Horizon also reviews the arrears and offers support to increase efficiency and success..
Horizon reviews your insurance coverage and provides feedback on matters such as revaluation requirements, premium and commission levels, etc.
We check your Maintenance Fund accumulation against your Maintenance Plan, including the structure you have set up to monitor and track financial obligations.