Building Defects
Building defects often plague most Owners Corporations for years after they are completed.
Typically, during the first year, an Owners Corporation is trying to get established and very little focus is on the handful of issues which can arise. It’s not until 2-3 years down the track when Committees start to look at why cracks or leaks are appearing, that unfortunately can become difficult to resolve with the builder once the defect period has lapsed.
If left unresolved, building defects can impact everything from your insurance renewal and claims, through to the sale of an apartment with potential purchasers. It can also be extremely costly to pursue the builder, in the hope of achieving a satisfactory outcome.
Committees and Owners are often left wondering where to start with such a complex range of issues, and who to turn to for honest advice and support.

If your Owners Corporation is lucky enough to have a builder that is still responsive, or hasn’t gone into some form of liquidation, then you may have the opportunity to address defects as they arise.

Horizon can assist you with making contact with the builder and seeking recourse for outstanding defects. If unfortunately, your builder is no longer operating, then we can provide guidance on how to resolve your defects independently.
It is also important to ensure that a suitable consultant inspects your building, and not only identifies the defects, but clarifies why the defect is non-compliant in accordance with the relevant building code or law. This information could support your Owners Corporation in the future should you seek an action against the builder through one of the several outlets available to Owners to remedy the issues.
Horizon can also assist your Owners Corporation with funding options, as most defects require prompt attention, however raising significant capital from owners can be a huge task.