Case Study

Horizon Strata is a Manager of Owners Corporations in Melbourne, Victoria. Our role is to provide management for the Owners Corporation to carry out its functions and duties as required by the Owners Corporation Act 2006.
We perform a number of duties as a manager which include;
- Convening Meetings
- Raising levies and sending fee notices
- Resolving maintenance issues for common property
- Paying contractors invoices upon completion of work
- Facilitating debt recovery
- Retaining Owners Corporation records
- Issuing Owners Corporation Certificates
- Administering insurance renewals and claims
- Dealing with correspondence from lot owners
- Preparation and reconciliation of financial accounts
- Obtaining quotations for consideration of the Committee
It is important to note that while we undertake our duties as part of your Management, decisions are not made by the Manager. Decisions are at the direction of your elected Committee, or the Owners Corporation depending on the circumstances.
As your Manager, we have a duty to;
- act honestly and in good faith in the performance of the manager’s functions
- exercise due care and diligence in the performance of the manager’s functions
- not make improper use of the manager’s position to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage personally or for any other person.
- hold all money held on behalf of an owners corporation on trust for the owners corporation; and
- account separately for the money held for each owners corporation by the manager.
Horizon is fully aware of these responsibilities and our business operates within these obligations at all times. This is echoed with our position on not taking insurance commission each year. Your Owners Corporation bank account is also opened and operated independently with Macquarie Bank.
At Horizon, we support and administer the management of the Common Property for your Owners Corporation’s all year round. We recognise that this is your property, and we want to work with you to maintain and improve your asset for years to come.